• GA Los Angeles (map)
  • 1520 2nd Street
  • Santa Monica, CA, 90401
  • United States

About This Event

General Assembly is bursting with top technical talent ready to join your team. Full time, part time, or contract candidates available.

On Wed, August 24th from 6-9pm at our Santa Monica campus, meet hirable UX designers, UI designers, product strategists, full stack web developers, front end web developers, back end web developers, QA engineers, technical project managers, and sales engineers.

Discuss your job opportunities with LA's best candidates in a reverse job fair format as they showcase their portfolios and you check out their work. Come and go as you please to meet up with potential new members of your team.

Light food and refreshments served.

Attending this event and hiring from the GA network is always free! Check out our GA Talent page to search our hirable candidates or create a company profile to receive candidate referrals.

Want to learn more about our educational curriculums?

Previous candidates have been hired by Disney, Sony, Dun & Bradstreet, Philosophie, Card.com, Verys, Big Frame, Omaze, Iconmobile, Surfair, Northrop Gruman, True Car, Google, Open X, and many more.

For questions email lapartnerships@generalassemb.ly

RSVP is for companies and recruiters only.

Interested in becoming a job seeking candidate?

Check out our full-time immersive programs.

RSVP early, space is limited!